The Winged Energy of Delight
As once the winged energy of delight
carried you over childhood’s dark abysses,
now beyond your own life build the great
arch of unimagined bridges.
Rainer Maria Rilke
(from “Ahead of All Parting: The Selected Poetry and Prose of Rainer Maria Rilke”, translated by Stephen Mitchell)
Lately, I have been feeling the strong urge to CREATE… poetry, art, music, textiles… something!
But, again, the perfectionist tendencies that I have always struggled with loom large over the path I’d like to walk. I have to keep reminding myself that how good something is doesn’t really matter. (What does “good” mean anyway?) It is the daily process of creating that I am craving… not fame, fortune or approval. (OK… if I’m being totally honest, I probably am still craving approval a little… but, I’m trying to get past that one.)
So, I’ve been attempting to move forward by going backward. I’ve been looking at all the things I created as a child. Hoping to rediscover that freedom of expression that seems to elude me these days. I know there was a certain self-confidence I possessed then… an assuredness that whatever streamed forth from my mind and from my hand was as it was meant to be.
I hope to not only start creating again in earnest, but to share much of it here. For now, I’ve posted this painting which was done many, many years ago. (I’m not sure how old I was, but I suspect that I was younger than 13.) I love the flowing lines and open space. The primary colors. The organic sky and oddly geometric bird. Mostly I love the place it came from… a place I’m hoping to reconnect with.
Harsi, you did such a great job with this picture. I love the flowing lines and open space also. The bird is fantastic. BTW, I love the place it came from too 🙂 !! Great Rilke quote to pair with it too –perfect for what you are considering….the moving forward. I always believe that what streams forth from us is “meant to be.” Happy weekend. xoxo
~Lisa~ I certainly hope you are having an excellent weekend too, sweet friend! Thank you for the compliments on my childhood artwork… I think the trick for me with my artistic attempts now is just to have more FUN and do a lot less serious thinking. 🙂 Me and a friend were discussing the whole looking backward to move forward concept and he said something wonderful… I hope he will not mind my quoting him anonymously here: “Maybe we can all look back, find the best parts of ourselves from all different times, re-capture them and then fold them back into our present selves.” Or… to quote one of my all-time favorite singer/songwriters, Regina Spektor: “this is how it works you peer inside yourself you take the things you like and try to love the things you took” 🙂 xo