Squirrel Stare Down
Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus)
The other day, before I even got to the steps and discovered the rattlesnake, I stopped to take this picture. There are at least two tree squirrels that live just around our cabin and it’s typical when we’re exiting the front door for them to scamper half way up a tree and then stop to stare at us with dark, unblinking eyes and a wary posture that says — I can run up this trunk faster than you… but I won’t, unless I have to. The look of this particular one just made me want to bust out laughing! That hairline on its head where a new coat of fur is growing in conjures up images of TV sitcom stars from my youth. At first I thought of Squiggy from “Laverne & Shirley”, but then I decided that Eddie Munster was probably a closer match. HA HA!
Seen anything in nature that’s made you smile recently?
Ha haaa! Eddie Munster! Elvis in training…. I saw a baby hawk with ( ears ) 🙂 🙂 cute blog post!! xoxo
I hadn’t considered the whole Elvis angle… but, yeah, I could see that! They definitely do a very similar “Elvis leg” thing. [Which, BTW, is apparently a real term, at least in the world of rockclimbing. See the 4th entry on this page: http://www.rockclimbing.com/Articles/Introduction_to_Climbing/Climbing_Dictionary_528.html#e%5D Glad I made you smile, Ro! I owed you one after that hilarious hawklet doing its best Clark Gable impression. 🙂